Aug 8th 2019

Proposed Tariffs Are a Threat to Imported Cheese

Dear Customers, 

Last April, the Trump administration proposed tariffs on European goods that included over 300 categories. In July, they expanded the list to include 90-95% of European cheeses

The tariffs are intended to punish the EU, but small food businesses in the U.S. like us are likely to be directly impacted. Already operating with thin margins and highly perishable products, there's a strong chance this will result in us having to raise our prices. Thus, our customers will potentially have access to fewer cheeses at higher costs. This can even affect American artisan cheeses, because if less cheese is sold overall, the costs of distribution and shipping can go up for everyone.   

This is where we need your help! The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) is accepting written comments online until August 12th. You can submit written comments on the public docket on

Thank you for your help and continued support,
Valerie and Ihsan Gurdal 

Feel free to use the following letter that blogger :

Please do not allow the proposed tariffs on European goods to pass. The effects on the American specialty foods industry could be catastrophic and puts the livelihoods of many cheese professionals at risk. The tariffs in question could increase the price of imported European cheese by 100%. The tariffs are intended to punish the European Union, but it directly impacts small food businesses in the U.S.

Cheese retailers operate on very thin margins with highly perishable products. They will have to raise their prices. Fewer people will be able to afford the cheeses, and some people might even go out of business. These tariffs are set to be put in effect this fall and will directly affect the bottom line of retailers just before their busiest, most profitable holiday season. This can even affect domestic cheeses because if less cheese is sold overall, the costs of distribution and shipping can go up for everyone.

If the supposed goal of the tariffs is to stimulate the American aviation businesses, it makes no sense to pursue that goal by impairing the economic livelihood of other American businesses and consumers. Please don’t let an argument between aircraft carriers affect the livelihoods of business owners all over this great nation.