Peychaud's Bitters - 10oz

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In the early 1800s, a New Orleans apothecary by the name of Antoine Amédée Peychaud invented these bitters to “give a little zest” to his pharmacy’s elixirs. Soon, they migrated from the medicine cabinet to the bar, becoming a highly popular cocktail ingredient. 

Nearly 200 years later, Peychaud’s bitters are still manufactured using Antoine’s original recipe. Made with distilled spirits infused with botanicals, these aromatic bitters exhibit notes of citrus peel, mint, and anise.

Peychaud’s bitters are a definitive ingredient in the classic Sazerac cocktail. They also go great in any cognac or whisky-based drink!

Country of Origin
United States
New Orleans, Louisiana


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In the early 1800s, a New Orleans apothecary by the name of Antoine Amédée Peychaud invented these bitters to “give a little zest” to his pharmacy’s elixirs. Soon, they migrated from the medicine cabinet to the bar, becoming a highly popular cocktail ingredient. 

Nearly 200 years later, Peychaud’s bitters are still manufactured using Antoine’s original recipe. Made with distilled spirits infused with botanicals, these aromatic bitters exhibit notes of citrus peel, mint, and anise.

Peychaud’s bitters are a definitive ingredient in the classic Sazerac cocktail. They also go great in any cognac or whisky-based drink!

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Country of Origin
United States
New Orleans, Louisiana


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