Nov 27th 2017
Italian Holiday Sweet Breads - Panettone, Pandolce and Panforte
At Formaggio Kitchen we prepare months in advance for the busy, festive holiday season by placing orders, stocking up on gift baskets and ribbons, and planning our holiday menus. By October we're read
Nov 20th 2017
Pain Poilâne: A Tour of Traditional Wood-Oven Baking
Formaggio Kitchen has been selling pain Poilâne for more than 20 years since the first time Ihsan met Lionel Poilâne in his tiny Paris bakery on the rue du Cherche-Midi. Kindred spirits, passionate
Nov 13th 2017
Beaujolais - Wine for the Holidays
You don't have to know a lot about wine to enjoy it, but misconceptions can get in the way of widening our experience. Some I regularly encounter: that German white wines are always sweet, that Burgu
Oct 30th 2017
Barrel-Fermented and Barrel-Aged Beers - Primer
If you’ve been paying close attention to the beer section at Formaggio Kitchen, you may have noticed something: it’s getting older, quite literally. More than ever, we’re able to feature beer that has
Oct 23rd 2017
Olive Oil from Proyecto Los Aires: Staff Tasting at the Source
Touring the Olive Grove at Proyecto Los Aires
On a recent trip to Spain, I visited Proyecto Los Aires, a small olive oil producer based in Arcicollar, Spain. Husband-and-wife Guillermo and Laura o
Oct 3rd 2017
Beekeeping for the Kasiisi Project in Uganda
I am back in rural western Uganda, just outside the boundaries of Kibale National Park. I travel here for several weeks each summer to volunteer with the Kasiisi Project ( Th