
Just What is Natural Wine?

Aug 8th 2019

Just What is Natural Wine?

At long last, natural wine is emerging from the shadows, coaxed blinking into the bright day of public wine consciousness by the diligent efforts of a handful of small-scale distributors, hole-in-the-
Beaujolais - Wine for the Holidays

Nov 13th 2017

Beaujolais - Wine for the Holidays

You don't have to know a lot about wine to enjoy it, but misconceptions can get in the way of widening our experience. Some I regularly encounter: that German white wines are always sweet, that Burgu
Barrel-Fermented and Barrel-Aged Beers - Primer

Oct 30th 2017

Barrel-Fermented and Barrel-Aged Beers - Primer

If you’ve been paying close attention to the beer section at Formaggio Kitchen, you may have noticed something: it’s getting older, quite literally. More than ever, we’re able to feature beer that has